World Environment Day June 5th
Not only politicians and big industries are able to help the environment - Everyone can!
There are plenty of options to contribute to make this planet healthier such as using refillable water bottles, recycling, saving electricity etc. We from Sanitas, would like to show you what you can do within your health insurance.
When you visit your doctor, you take care of your health.
When you do it without leaving your home, you also take care of the planet.
Did you know that with a video-consultation you avoid 3.1kg of CO2 emissions? The equivalent of what is absorbed by 186 trees in one day. Every small action counts!
You also help to take care of the health of the planet by downloading a medical report online instead of going to the medical center.
Sanitas offers these possibilities - now it is your turn to use them.
If you have not yet made use of a video-consultation, please click here to get a step-by-step video.
Download the Healthy Cities app to join the challenge and turn your steps into trees!